COVID-19 Protocols at MKC After Plan To Reopen Kansas
May 04, 2020

While we would like to get back to our pre-COVID-19 business practices as rapidly as possible, we know there are still risks associated with this virus that does not yet allow us to do so. We also know different counties may enact different policies to best protect the interest of individual counties' citizens. At MKC, we are striving to make sure our response is consistent with continuing to provide safe and efficient employee and customer interaction in line with individual county rules. At this time, we will keep all of our current COVID-19 protocols in place except for the changes listed below effective Monday, May 4:
- While our offices will be still be locked to general customer and vendor traffic, we will allow customers who need to visit our offices for in-person transactions to make appointments with a specific MKC location to do so.
- We will begin this transition by restricting visits to be one customer at a time only. The Moundridge administrative office will be an exception to this guideline due to the overall size and the number of private offices available.
- We will ask customers who have symptoms of COVID-19 to continue to please conduct virtual business until they have recovered or have tested negative for COVID-19.
- We will still require appropriate social distancing practices to be followed during the customer visit.
- Customers and employees will wear masks during the entire visit. A supply of disposable masks to offer customers are available at each of our locations.
- Offices spaces or other areas that have been visited by a customer or guest will be disinfected upon the individual leaving the office and before employees or other customers are allowed back in the area. The disinfecting process includes personal offices.
- We will begin to enable our sales team members to make a necessary farm or business calls and only after getting permission to do so from the customer.
- We will ask that all farm visits be made outdoors and employees should not enter houses, shops or offices.
- We ask that customers do not ride in MKC vehicles and that MKC employees do not ride in customer vehicles.
- Correct social distancing should be used, and we ask that MKC employees wear face coverings. Disposable face covering should be worn by both the employee and customer to increase both party's safety if more than 6' distance cannot be kept for some reason.
- Any paperwork that needs to be exchanged needs to be done in a sanitary method.
The COVID-19 Task Force continues to monitor the situation and continues to guide our leadership team. Since this situation continues to be fluid, we do not have a definitive timeframe of future changes, but we will communicate regularly on any additional changes before they are made.
We encourage you to continue to communicate with your nearest MKC location. Please continue to be cautious and safe in your activities.